About Cryo T-Shock

The Cryo T-Shock is the most innovative and versatile anti-aging device on the market. The device alternates warm and cold temperatures during pre-programmed time sequences to deliver the desired effect on the body. The Cryo T-Shock offers a non-invasive, painless approach that has the ability to treat localized fat on the abdomen, arms, glutes and legs, reduce cellulite, tone and tighten loose skin and deliver incredible anti-aging and rejuvenation facials. The versatility of the Cryo T-Shock’s vast software architecture makes body contouring affordable for almost anyone.

The Cryo T-Shock Treatment together with the Adicell Thermographic Analysis create the only system that targets and treats the entire body.

Adicell Thermographic film

Cryo T-Shock Treatment Approach

  1. Analyze - determine fat content based on Adicell Thermographic analysis

  2. Treat - perform series of painless, non-invasive, fat or cellulite reduction sessions (usually 3-5 based on the body area condition)

  3. Verify - compare film results between each of the sessions

    Learn More About Adicell


Safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy fat cells without any skin damage. Breaks down fat cells and flushes them out through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. A painless and a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

Ideal For:

  • Stomach and Love Handles

  • Underarms

  • Glutes

  • Chin

  • Thighs


Reduce the appearance of cellulite, fine lines and wrinkles. Increases your body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin. Tightens and tones muscles, too!​

Ideal For:

  • Face

  • Legs

  • Arm

  • Stomach

Fat loss and cellulite reduction

The many different functions and processes which take place in the body are caused by chemical reactions occurring between hormones and receptors. These are carried around the body by the blood. The areas of the body which have a lot of fat, tend to have a poor blood supply. This means that the blood borne hormones which trigger lipolysis – the break down of fat – are actually unable to reach the fat cells and therefore, the fat can’t be broken down. It also means that mobilized fat can’t get away from the fat cell to be burned elsewhere in the body. Cryostimulation cools the surface of the skin very rapidly. The body reacts to this extreme cold by turning up its metabolic rate to produce heat. The blood vessels in the area widen, leading to an increase in blood flow, allowing the hormones in the blood to reach the fat cells and break down the fat. This also improves lymphatic drainage in the area, which helps to reduce cellulite.

Learn More About Cellulite Classification

Benefits of Cryo T-Shock

Cryo T-Shock Benefits

Before and After

Below are before and after photos showing the results of T-Shock treatments:

Abdomen after one definition treatment

Abdomen after one Cryo T-Shock definition treatment

Face after six toning treatments

Face after six Cryo T-Shock toning treatments

Abdomen after nine slimming treatments

Abdomen after nine Cry T-Chock slimming treatments

Buttocks after eight fat reduction treatments

Buttocks after eight Cryo T-Shock fat reduction treatments

Thighs after five cellulite treatments

Thighs after five Cryo T-Shock cellulite treatments


  • Yes, it is a very safe, non-invasive treatment. The most common side effect is increased urination, a result of fat cell elimination. A few patients experienced local redness and very few a bit of soreness after treatment

  • Cryo T-Shock works by manipulating the temperature of body parts targeted for therapy to gently and gradually remove fat that has resisted diet and exercise, erase cellulite, and firm and tone skin.

    Usually session lasts from 45 – 60 minutes. The skin is warmed for a few minutes using the device’s hyperthermic heating system followed by a steady cooling that is key to eliminating fat tissue.

    Fat tissue will naturally die when subjected to temperatures between -5º and 5º Celsius. At the freezing point (0ºC or 32ºF), the fluids that bind fat cells crystalize as well. As they begin to die off, the immune system releases cytokines that help eliminate the cells and use their lipids to process and drain them through urination.

  • Cryo Sculpting is a 50-60 minute session that starts with a warming phase followed by sudden cooling. Temperatures are pleasant and not painful. Skin and fatty tissue are subjected to triple thermal shock (heat-cold-heat) which optimizes the results. The heat has the effect on triglycerides of destabilizing them and therefore increasing the effectiveness of the cold that is to follow. Adipose cells or adipocytes (fat cells) are particularly sensitive to heat and cold and this very important variation in temperature allows for a more efficient and faster elimination of adipocytes by modifying their crystallization. The cold accelerates the apoptosis (a natural controlled cell death) of the adipocytes. The synergy of the thermal shock leads to the destruction of fat cells. The adipocytes cannot survive the cold temperatures and some adipocytes are even eliminated directly during the session. The rest will be eliminated gradually over a few days or weeks. This technique leads to a reduction of fat mass in a targeted area and is not a weight loss solution. Repeated sessions will slowly take away upper layers of fat. The cells which have been destroyed are pulled into the bloodstream and are subsequently naturally disposed through the lymphatic system. Cryo T Shock is the ultimate anti-aging treatment by eliminating unwanted fat cells, reducing cellulite and toning and tightening the skin.

    Cryo Toning uses below zero temperatures that penetrate below the skin. Cellulite is caused by subcutaneous deposits of fat primarily in the legs and glutes. The Cryo T Shock triggers the fluids that bind the fat cells together to crystalize. This crystallization destroys the fat cells and the bonds holding the deposits together. Repeated sessions will slowly take away the upper layers of fat. The cells which have been destroyed enter the bloodstream after which they are disposed of via the lymphatic system.

  • Unlike cold sculpting treatments, the Cryo T-Shock uses heat along with cold to deliver a “shock” to fat cells that speeds up the process to kill and eliminate them. By boosting the skin’s effort to warm up, it also increases collagen and elastin to smooth and tighten it. Certainly heat fills in a missing piece.

    Cryo T-Shock safely kills and naturally eliminates more fat cells from the body by as much as 20 percent to 40 percent according to the manufacturer. Vigorous exercise following each treatment will speed up metabolism and maximize results.

  • Pagani, who manufacturers the Cryo T-Shock device, strongly recommends vigorous exercising for 30 to 60 minutes following each treatment to aid the body’s metabolic elimination processes.

    Exercise helps the lymphatic system drain dead fat cells to be eliminated through urine and sweat. As noted above, the Cryo T-Shock also speeds up blood circulation; exercise will keep it elevated and continue to deliver additional oxygen and nutrients to boost skin elasticity.

    We are pleased to offer EMS training sessions designed to shorten exercise time to only 20 minutes and dramatically increase exercise efficiency. Be sure to visit our EMS training page to learn more.

  • Cellulite resides in the upper fat cell layers, which are usually targeted and destroyed around the third treatment session.

    The initial Cryo T-Shock freeze targets deeper layers of fat cell and the fluids that bind them together. Blood rushes to the cold areas, enabling the lymphatic system to start draining the destroyed cells and carry off waste. In fact, cold makes the blood circulation rate increase quite dramatically.

    The warm “shock” that follows the cold therapy boosts the enhanced blood flow and lymphatic system efficiency.

    By the end of the third session, cellulite has begun decreasing.

  • You will see visible results as soon as after third treatment. Results have lasted from several months to years. This depends on the procedure. For fat reduction, the individual person’s lifestyle and exercise regimen, diet, and perhaps genetics will determine this.

    Skin toning/tightening and cellulite treatments may require a maintenance schedule for results to last.

  • The T-Shock was introduced in Europe in 2014 by Italian company Pagani and immediately won an award for innovation at the prestigious Paris Laureat Beauty Exposition. While the basic science has remained the same, Pagani has continually expanded the range of treatment options.

    ELETTRONICA PAGANI, located in Milan, is leading all over the World in developing and manufacturing electronic and medical devices. Established in 1947, ELETTRONICA PAGANI is the oldest and longest Italian Company dealing into the field of Physiotherapy devices.

    Constant technological innovation, continuous quality improvement and accurate production processes: these are the prerogatives of ELETTRONICA PAGANI for achieving a primary objective: Customer satisfaction.

    ELETTRONICA PAGANI has been certified with reference to ISO 9001 on Year 1998 being the first Company into the Physiotherapy field getting a so prestigious certification. Furthermore, ELETTRONICA PAGANI, working into the medical field, has been also certified with reference to UNI CEI EN ISO 13485 standards.

  • Cryo T-Shock is an electronic device using software, that controls dozens of programmed procedures without the use of liquid nitrogen and any further external substance.

    We are conscious about nitrogen impact on the atmosphere and do not use any devices that negatively impact green footprint.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.